Capo Verde

World Cleanup Day -
Capo Verde
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World Cleanup Day 2022 is on 17th September! Get ready, set, go!!!
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Capo Verde
Capo Verde
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There are no cleanup events yet organized. If you want to organize a cleanup in this country, please register a cleanup event!
Organize a cleanup
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Capo Verde
Country leader
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If you want to represent this country and manage upcoming cleanup events, please fill out the form below.
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Country Leader
Januario Nascimento
Country Co-leader
Capo Verde
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Capo Verde
Country leader
This is some text inside of a div block.
If you want to represent this country and manage upcoming cleanup events, please fill out the form below.
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Country Leader
Januario Nascimento
Country Co-leader
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How our cleaning has made changes in the environment

Before and after images
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