
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to every Let’s Do It World Leader, Team, Volunteer and Partner, all of whom have played a pivotal role in the success of World Cleanup Day. Your active participation and collaborative efforts have been instrumental in shaping this remarkable event.

Moreover, the receipt of diverse awards and nominations over the years stands as a testament to the incredible impact we have collectively achieved.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication and contributions!
Let’s Do It World – winner of the UN SDG Action Campaign Mobilization Award 2023!
Let's Do It World – awarded the UN-Habitat Scroll of Honor Award 2021!
World Cleanup Day – Finalist for the Energy Globe Award 2019!
Also, we are proud of the World Summit Award 2018, for using innovative technological solutions, as well as the 2017 Melissa Wells CRS award and European Citizens’ Prize.
Our sincere thanks goes to all the awarding and governing bodies who have recognised our efforts over the years.
If our values resonate strongly with you and inspire you to join our global effort to make our home a cleaner place, please contact your local LDIW Regional Director.