Latvia is clean and greenovative country in the Northern Europe by the Baltic sea. The Big Cleanup (LIELĀ TALKA in Latvian) is much more than NGO campaign in a country of less than 2 millions of inhabitants. LIELĀ TALKA is the widest volunteersmovement in Latvia that has gathered more than 500 000 participants both in Latvia and Latvian diasporas in the world during 10 years of existence. If you would ask some Latvians to name 3 more exciting things about Latvia, they would undoubtedly name also a tradition of LIELĀ TALKA as one of them. All 10 years the movement is led by enthusiastic and inspiring leader Vita Jaunzeme. LIELĀ TALKA has a smart scheme of the management involving partners in every municipality, in business circles, schools, NGO
s, media and, of course, every participant as a voice of society.