Let's Do It! TOGO, is an environmental association(law 1901) born in September 2018 , made up of a dynamic youth association fabric with shared human values, bringing its many skills into ecological service through various adapted education projects ... it is an organization resolutely turned towards a more future ecologically beneficial and desired as a real resource pole dedicated to promoting World Clean Up Day in TOGO and the sub-region ...then help LDIW achieve common goals of saving our planet and make it more sustainable!
Making WorldCleanUpDay an event that won’t just be periodic but a hub for all participants and ecology enthusiasts by inviting them to become real agents of change.
A responsibility carried by Let’s Do It! TOGO, and more positive change in federated action. With joy and pride have been able to contribute during these last years to the promotion of ecological values through adapted mechanisms in communities, to have engaged several communities, associations of young people by our side for a conversion towards sustainable human development, oriented towards the promotion of the circular economy ... awareness-raising projects on environmental pollution initiated, with a quality program intended to inculcate the values of a more ecological economy, volunteer participants during recent actions were able to immerse themselves in the gallery of better living, better production and better consuming with small changes maintained in their lifestyle, which today make them models of eco-responsible citizens ... from the awareness stage, we are currently progressing towards projects that aim to become part of everyday life in communities, environmental education projects (environmental education, carbon footprint, recycling, with an elaborate women's program) are soon to be launched