A Global Call to Clean Up the World This Friday

Written by
Becca Melhuish
September 16, 2024

Together, let’s ‘make room for life’ all around the world on Friday 20 September

This Friday, 20 September, is the big day our incredible global network of environmental heroes has been building up to for months: World Cleanup Day 2024. For the seventh year running, millions of people worldwide will unite to clean up the planet in the world’s biggest coordinated cleanup action. 

But this year there’s a difference – 20 September has been officially recognised as an International Day in the United Nations Calendar, a huge milestone for our network. This recognition amplifies the global call to fight the mounting waste crisis and highlights the collective power of people working together for a healthier planet.

Organised by the Let’s Do It World (LDIW) network, World Cleanup Day is about much more than just picking up trash. It’s about raising awareness, changing attitudes and driving lasting change in how we manage waste all around the world. Each year, over 2 billion tonnes of waste are generated globally, with much of it ending up in our oceans and natural environments. Without urgent action, global waste is expected to increase by 70% by 2050. Through collective actions like World Cleanup Day, we can inspire the change necessary to reverse this worrying trend.

In 2023, an incredible 19.1 million volunteers from 198 countries collected over 218,000 tonnes of waste, taking the annual average participation up to more than 15 million across all campaigns since 2018. These numbers show the growing strength of the Let’s Do It World network, and the growing thirst for change from people all around the planet. 

How to take part in World Cleanup Day 2024

Want to be part of the movement and inspire change for a clean and healthy planet? Here are three ways you can be part of this global action on Friday 20 September. 

1. Join a cleanup near you

The easiest way to participate is to join a local cleanup event. Visit worldcleanupday.org and find your country on our interactive map. You can sign up for a cleanup via the map, or follow links to your country’s World Cleanup Day channels for sign-up information.

2. Organise a group cleanup

If you can’t find a cleanup event in your area, why not organise one yourself? With only a few days to go, you’ll need a great team and your best speed-mobilisation skills to make it happen, but it’s still doable! Check out the World Cleanup Day Trello board and its ‘Toolbox for Cleanup Organisers’ for all the resources and support you’ll need to get started. Be sure to register your event on our interactive map to be an official part of the global action!

3. Just go out and pick up trash

No cleanup near you, and no time to organise one? No problem! This Friday, simply grab a pair of gloves and a bag, then head outside to pick up trash in your local area. Take some before and after photos and weigh the waste you’ve collected, then submit your impact via the Let’s Do It app. Your efforts will contribute to World Cleanup Day 2024’s global data report, making your solo action part of something huge. Every action counts!

Celebrate and share your success

However you take part in World Cleanup Day, be sure to celebrate and share your efforts with the world! Celebrate your impact with those around you, and take photos to share on social media with the hashtag #WorldCleanupDay2024. Your story can inspire others to rethink their attitude to waste and join the growing calls for a clean and healthy planet.

Don’t miss the global broadcast

This year’s World Cleanup Day will feature live broadcasts from cleanups around the world and enlightening interviews with waste-related experts, with a special focus on Arctic pollution from this year’s host country, Norway. Tune in to the official broadcast on the World Cleanup Day YouTube channel or Facebook page

World Cleanup Day 2024 is more than just a day – it’s an opportunity to create lasting change. Join millions of people across the world on 20 September and help build a cleaner, healthier, waste-free future for our planet. You can also donate to World Cleanup Day to make an even bigger impact. Together, we can make a difference!

Join millions of environmental heroes worldwide for World Cleanup Day 2024 on Friday 20 September, now officially recognised as an International Day by the United Nations. Organised by Let’s Do It World, this initiative unites people from all countries of the world to tackle the waste crisis through collective action. Whether you join a local cleanup, organise your own, or pick up trash solo, every effort counts! Celebrate your impact, share your success, and tune in to the broadcast for expert insights. Together, we can build a cleaner, waste-free planet!
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