Get Inspired and Learn: Highlights From Slovenia’s Digital Waste Conference

Written by
Becca Melhuish
February 12, 2025
Speakers at the Conference 'Data = Waste?' organised by Ekologi brez meja

To open the season of Digital Cleanup Day activities, Ekologi brez meja, our Let’s Do It member organisation in Slovenia, hosted a conference on the environmental footprint of computing and the concept of digital sufficiency. The event, titled ‘Data = Waste?’, took place on Tuesday 6 February in Ljubljana and was organised as part of the wide-reaching 'Clean Up Slovenia's Digital Waste' initiative.

With an audience of representatives from companies, faculties, media and the general public, experts gathered to discuss key issues facing the ICT sector. The key challenge in the spotlight was that of reducing the sector's carbon footprint and the often-overlooked dangers of rebound effects—where efficiency gains can lead to increased consumption, undermining environmental benefits. 

The message was clear: we cannot simply optimise our way out of this crisis. Presenters also highlighted worrying trends in digital consumption and storage. However, it was not all doom and gloom. The conference showcased positive actions companies are taking to address digital waste. Speakers shared practical approaches to tackling the problem of ‘dark data’—unnecessary digital information that consumes energy fruitlessly.

Among the presentations, two impactful campaigns were presented. Anett Linno, LDIW Management Board Member, introduced our own global Digital Cleanup Day campaign, encouraging individuals and organisations to reduce their digital clutter. Additionally, KDE shared their ‘Opt Green: End Of 10’ initiative, which aims to prevent e-waste resulting from the end of support for Windows 10.

Get inspired and learn from the insightful presentations—watch the English-language highlights here.

Ekologi brez meja, our LDIW network members in Slovenia, opened this year’s Digital Cleanup Day season with a thought-provoking conference on digital waste and the ICT sector’s carbon footprint. Experts tackled rising data consumption, ‘dark data,’ and the limits of efficiency, while companies shared solutions and LDIW urged action through Digital Cleanup Day. Read the article to learn more and watch the highlights.
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