How to Organise a Cleanup in 50 Days: Make an Impact on World Cleanup Day 2024!

Written by
Becca Melhuish
July 31, 2024
A beach clean in Tanzania for World Cleanup Day 2023

World Cleanup Day would be nothing if it wasn’t for the incredible groups, organisations and individuals around the world who organise cleanups and mobilise their communities to get involved! With just over 50 days to go until World Cleanup Day 2024, on Friday 20 September, now is the perfect time to start planning your cleanup event. 

Heidi Solba, our President & Head of Global Network, shares her thoughts on the mobilisation for this year’s World Cleanup Day: “This year is more special than ever, as for the first time, we’ll be celebrating World Cleanup Day as an official day in the United Nations International Calendar. This is an important moment for our movement, validating our many years of dedication to creating a waste-free world, and further emphasising our commitment to making an impact. 

She continues: “Our network is driven by the belief that positive change begins with collaboration, and that when everyone works together – magic can happen! As the waste management problem is a globally interconnected issue, we’re working to mobilise and engage diverse communities worldwide to come together and tackle it hand in hand. By joining World Cleanup Day, groups, organisations and individuals can be part of this global collective effort to work together for a cleaner and healthier planet.”

So, whether you’re a partner organisation, environmental action group, local government, school, club, or just a concerned individual who wants to make a difference, here are our 10 steps to organise a cleanup for World Cleanup Day 2024!

1. Get a team together

Everything’s more fun in a team! Rally like-minded individuals who share your passion for environmental action. Share out tasks such as logistics, communications, volunteer management, and waste handling to make everyone’s workload manageable and enjoyable.

2. Pick your cleanup site 

Selecting the right location is crucial – consider access, waste disposal logistics, and potential hazards. Conduct a risk assessment and carry out a waste-mapping exercise. Decide which areas you’ll clean, and choose where volunteers will collect their cleanup materials, such as gloves and bags.

3. Register your cleanup

Register your event on our interactive map. This helps interested participants find and sign up for your cleanup. Additionally, by registering, you'll get access to valuable resources and important updates. Whether it’s big or small, public or private, registering is essential!

4. Contact partners

Collaboration is key! Reach out to the local municipality for necessary permissions and waste disposal arrangements. Strive for maximum recycling where possible! Organise volunteer insurance if required. Look for partners who can provide free waste sacks, transportation, refreshments, publicity, and anything else you may need.

5. Communicate 

Spread the word about your event far and wide, using the available marketing materials and inspiring mini-documentary. Promote your cleanup on social media platforms, and get the attention of local media too! Engage local groups and organisations to recruit more volunteers. Register all volunteers and provide them with essential information in the lead up to the day, such as what to bring and what to expect.

6. Kick off the cleanup! 

Prepare the meeting point with necessary facilities, resources and information (WC, hand-washing, etc.). Ensure your phone is fully charged for the day. Welcome and brief volunteers on safety and waste sorting. Assign specific areas to volunteer pairs or groups and provide them with cleanup tools like bags and gloves.

7. Collect and sort 

Support volunteers as they collect waste. Encourage them to separate different waste types into designated bags. Take precautions with any hazardous items to ensure everyone's safety.

8. Report your results 

Track your progress by monitoring the amount of waste collected, and taking photographs of before, during and after the action. Use the new Let’s Do It app to upload the data and photos of your cleanup’s impact, to contribute to our all-important global cleanup data and World Cleanup Day impact stats. 

9. Clear up thoroughly 

Supervise the waste collection by your partners and ensure nothing is left behind! 

10. Celebrate and relax together! 

After all the hard work, it's time to celebrate your achievement! Dance! Sing! Thank all the volunteers who made it possible! Consider including a post-cleanup wellbeing activity as part of the World Wellness Weekend. And don’t forget to capture these moments with some group photos. Share your before and after photos by tagging us on social media and using #WorldCleanupDay2024 to inspire others.

* * *

For more detailed guidance, check out our ‘Toolbox for Cleanup Organisers’ on our Get Involved page. And for additional support, don't hesitate to contact your country's local World Cleanup Day organising team via our Countries page.

Together, let’s make World Cleanup Day 2024 a resounding success, and have a positive and lasting impact on our planet. The time to act is now! Join us on 20 September for World Cleanup Day, alongside millions of others in the global movement for a clean, healthy and waste-free planet! 

With just over 50 days to go until World Cleanup Day, on 20 September 2024, now is the perfect time to start planning your cleanup event! Follow our 10-step guide to organise your own cleanup event, and be part of this movement for positive change. Together, we can make a difference!
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