If you’re asking us for the short answer, we’d say going zero waste is more budget-friendly in the long run, while certain zero waste products can work out more expensive. But if you’re enjoying our articles with more detailed explanations, read on for our full response.
As we said in one of our previous articles, buying up the entire contents of a zero waste store after deciding to delve into the zero waste lifestyle is a mistake. In doing so, you risk spending more money than you need to, and failing in your zero waste mission. Lots of the zero waste swaps on offer you’d hardly ever use, as they won’t all fit your lifestyle. Sustainable low-waste living is not ultimately about buying eco items instead of disposable ones, but rather about shifting your priorities.
A zero waste philosophy is all about the “re”. Along with “refuse, reuse, recycle”, you also repurpose your money. By thinking carefully about what your money supports, you stop putting your money towards things that:
You also refuse to order products just because somebody (marketing, fashion trends, your social circle, etc.) convinced you that life without them is impossible.
Instead, you opt to spend your money on high-quality items that:
Sometimes more sustainable products cost more, and this is to be expected. But by cutting a lot of other expenses out of your life, you won’t see any increase on your pre-zero waste budget, or may even save money. Your spending will be balanced if you adopt the zero waste approach in the right way.
When we start buying more expensive things due to their nature-friendly benefits, the higher price tag changes our attitude to waste production. When you buy pricier products you start using them more effectively. For example, you’ll use every last drop of that natural face cream, because you’re more conscious of the cost. On the contrary, we tend to treat cheap things more carelessly.
Besides, when you spend more time choosing the right thing, there are fewer impulsive purchases in your life, so less money gets frittered away.
While frugality is not the first reason people go zero waste, it’s a logical consequence of producing less waste. With these environmentally-friendly tips, your budget won’t suffer:
Moreover, a zero waste lifestyle can even motivate you to earn money! Sell the things you don’t need anymore. More cash, no trash. Sounds like a win-win strategy for both you and the environment, doesn’t it?
As you can see, in most cases a zero waste lifestyle actually saves money. But how is it for you? We would love to hear your story of how you’re saving (or not saving) money while trying to live sustainably. Tag us in your post or story!